Meet the needs of various working style

Office Unit
Long-term rental. Suitable for 8 or more people within a team.
Pricing varies
提供長期的年租方案,合適 8 人以上團隊進駐

Coworking Space
Desk membership or small room with flexible rental term. Suitable for individual or a team under 4 people
Start at NTD $ 80 / hour
價格自 $80/小時起

Event Space
On demand space for your next events, workshop, product launch, or presentation
Pricing varies
Various way to join CIT
更多元參與 CIT 的方式
Entrepreneur Visa
Since 2016, CIT has served as a partner to the National Development Council (NDC) to promote its HeadStart Taiwan Initiative - with the objective of attracting outstanding foreign talent to start businesses in Taiwan. Per the Initiative, applicants are required to obtain a residency accreditation to be qualified to apply for the Initiative's various exclusive programs.
For more information, please email us.
自2016年起,國家發展委員會特別選定 CIT 成為合作夥伴與基地,為積極吸引優秀外籍人才來台灣創業、推動創新,凡是取得「CIT進駐證明」的夥伴或團隊,都可申請「創業家簽證」、「雇用外國工作者」和國發會創業拔萃方案之各項專屬計畫。
We get a plan b
To support Sustainable Development Goals implementation, Plan b as a consulting firm and hun as the coworking space, cooperated to announce the joint project “We get a plan b,” to support teams for sustainable development solutions. Together, we hope people who are engaged in SDGs or related issues can be supported by both innovative office space and creative partnerships within the coworkers’ community, with the spirits of leaving no one behind toward ideal lifestyle and sustainable future.
For more information, please email us.
為了具體支持永續發展目標(SDGs)相關項目與推廣議題的關注,永續發展的企劃顧問公司Plan b 與 混hun 共同工作空間合作提出一個備案計畫。我們將無償提供工作空間給予支持的團隊,做為您發展SDGs相關項目的初期工作據點。同時 藉由空間內其他共同工作者的交流,達到不可思議的加乘效果,進一步讓更多人參與永續發展的理念。
Virtual Membership
With the belief that an innovative office space should be semi-open, CIT aims to break the physical boundaries by “virtual membership”: access to internal resources, activities and coworking space are provided for those who cannot be regularly stationed in CIT but still want to participate in CIT’s worker community.
為突破實際空間的限制,CIT 主動邀請各類型適合參與,卻因故無法進駐的單位,以虛擬進駐的形式進入 CIT 的工作社群中。虛擬進駐的單位「可享有」 CIT 各類型不對外開放的活動與資源,同時可使用 CIT 的共同工作空間作為暫時工作區域。
Contact us
No.1, Yumen St., Zhongshan Dist.
( West Wing of Zhongshan Soccer Stadium )
( Near Exit 1 MRT Yuanshan Station )
( 中山足球場西側,近圓山捷運站一號出口 )